At night he went by walk to call the doctor

ID: 40877 | Date: 2015/08/30
In those days when I would attend the Imam’s lectures on mystic journeys, I was taken ill with typhoid. It was winter and in those days typhoid was considered to be a dangerous sickness. Our house was located in the ‘Jadda’ passage and incidentally the Imam’s residence was in the vicinity of the passage. After he came to know of my illness, he would visit me every morning and night. I remember one night he came to visit me and a physician had come just before him and had prescribed the wrong medicine to me so that my condition had worsened. In that cold winter night the Imam—this devout and magnanimous man—went on foot to the clinic of a doctor who treated with traditional medicines and brought him. After relative improvement in my condition, he left the house and then made preparations for my transfer to a hospital. These are things that cannot be forgotten. There were also others whose lectures I attended but who did not visit me even once during my illness. In fact they did not even bother to send someone to enquire as to why I was absent for their classes.

Name of the narrator: Ayatollah Sayyed Ezzoddin Zanjani, Shahed Woman’s journal, no. 167.

Title of the Book: Impressions and Memoirs about Imam Khomeini's Practical Behaviour, vol. 1, chapter six, page 251