Now it is the night of farewell

ID: 40898 | Date: 2020/06/01
In the last days of his life when the Imam was to undergo surgery, as was his routine, he strolled for half an hour thrice on that day. While strolling, he told Ali (the Imam’s grandson and Hajj Ahmad Khomeini’s son): “Ali come and let us take the last steps together.” We said: “Aqa (sir) don’t say such a thing.” When it was dark and night had befallen, the Imam said he was not hungry and did not eat his supper. The Lady said: “Aqa (Sir), at least eat this one spoonful of ‘Abgosht’ (meat broth) anyhow you can.” Again he replied: “I am not hungry.” The Lady said: “Eat it just for my sake.” The Imam replied: “It is now the end of the night. What difference does it make whether I eat or not; now it is the night of farewell and is the last night.”

Name of the narrator: Zahra Eshraqi, Soroush magazine no. 476

Title of the Book: Impressions and Memoirs about Imam Khomeini's Practical Behaviour, vol. 1, chapter six, page 307