Various branches of institute contributing in spreading Imam Khomeini’s universal message

The establishment of this institute is beholden to Hojat al-Islam Haj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini's foresight and love for the aims and notions of Imam and the institute was established with his pursuit.

ID: 55375 | Date: 2019/09/06
Since 1996, the institute of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic revolution, dependent on the institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini's works, started working to introduce Imam Khomeini's ideas, doing researches about the different dimensions of Imam's life and notions inside and outside of the country and training the researchers on this field.

The establishment of this institute is beholden to Hojat al-Islam Haj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini's foresight and love for the aims and notions of Imam and the institute was established with his pursuit. The institute is being approved by of the ministry of science, research and technology.

Furthermore, hundreds of students have also been engaged at Imam Khomeini's faculty and research center.

The institute has various departments which are handling various tasks such as related to art and research and many other fields and sections.

For an instance, the international department has managed to translate dozen of Imam’s works in various languages. It has also maintained very close contacts with theological, academic and cultural houses around the world.  

The prestigious institute have also affiliated branches which have been established in various Iranian cities of Esfahan and the holy city of Qom and the historic city of Khomein.