Imam Khomeini financed to keep preserving dignity for the seminary students

A memoirs by Hojjat al-Islam Mohammad Raza Naseri, extracted form special events form Imam Khomeini’s life

ID: 78644 | Date: 2023/10/22
It has been recalled through a series of memoirs that Imam used to take care of dressing of the seminary students and on some occasions recommended his scholars’ fellows to take care of modest clothes for those who were learning divine sciences.

Imam himself used to buy ‘Aba, a religious dressing for seminary students’ hislef or inspirted others to do so.

 Imam believed that the needs and expenditures of the relgious students should be met so they can easily concentrate in gaining knowledge and raised up as useful scolars for society.

 (A memoirs by Hojjat al-Islam Mohammad Raza Naseri, extracted form special events form Imam Khomeini’s life)