Imam's message on the occasion of the auspicious days of Christmas

ID: 79210 | Date: 2023/12/27
Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world used to call for the Christian community to follow pure and genuine teachings as promoted by the divine prophet, Jesus Christ.
Imam regularly sent congratulatory messages to the Christian leaders on the auspicious occasion of Christmas and urged them to be true follower of the Jesus. He also invited the Christian community to resort to genuine teachings of Jesus on the occasion of Christmas and avail this opportunity to revive divine nature of his message.
One of the most famous messages, Imam Khomeini issued on Christmas occasion to the Christians of the world on December 24, 1979.
Some phrases from the historic message come as following:

Merry Christmas to the oppressed nations of the world, to the Christian nations and the Christians of Iran. Christ was a great messenger whose mission was to establish justice and mercy, and who with his heavenly words and deeds condemned the tyrants and supported the oppressed.
And O Nation of the Messiah, and followers of Jesus, the spirit of God, rise up and defend the dignity of Jesus Christ, and the nation of Christianity, and do not let the enemies of the divine teachings and the opposes of godly orders give false impression of Christianity and its clergy to the oppressed peoples of the world.
Imam also held several meetings with Christian leaders prior and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and called for the Church to join the struggle against oppressors and colonialism.
According to Imam, attaining to divine gnosis, and exalted moral stations would not be possible except by following the path which the great prophets and God’s proofs on earth have learned and traversed.