Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world made it clear that the purpose of Ashura and Imam Hussein's (PBUH) holy uprising was to reform society and maintain justice among the human societies.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 07:00
Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the world called on the masses and scholars to take serious intellectual efforts to comprehend and promote the real philosophy behind the tragic event of Ashura.
Sunday, November 10, 2013 08:00
Saturday, November 09, 2013 12:23
Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world used to say that the holy months of Muharram and Safar have kept Islam alive and advised preachers to promote genuine teachings of Islam during this period.
Tuesday, November 05, 2013 01:33
Imam Khomeini the religious leader of the Islamic world used to highlight importance of the Day of Arafah and advised the believers to grab all its spiritual benefits to accomplish prosperity in this world and the salvation for the hereafter.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 09:53
The tragic event that befall the commander of faithful ...
Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:51
A prominent Muslim scholar says that Pakistan and several other Muslim nations need to follow the ideals of the great Imam in order to relieve themselves from turmoil and troubles.
Sunday, March 03, 2013 11:39
The great personality of Imam Hussein and his act of bravery in Karbala have been frequently debated by the intellectuals and thinkers of different nationalities. A series of these opinions will be chronologically available on our website for the respected viewers. This one, however, deals with the ideas of two scholars
Monday, December 03, 2012 11:00