Faithless people become proud of their evil deeds, Imam Khomeini explained

Faithless people become proud of their evil deeds, Imam Khomeini explained

The bad deeds of unbelievers, hypocrites, polytheists, atheists, villains, sinners, and transgressors occasionally reach such a point when they become proud of their evil deeds and think highly of themselves.

Sunday, August 08, 2021 12:47

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One of the unique features of Imam Khomeini has been combination of mysticism

One of the unique features of Imam Khomeini has been combination of mysticism

Researchers maintain that one of the unique features of Imam Khomeini has been the combination of mysticism and politics and it’s been used in his daily life and his political decisions.

Thursday, August 05, 2021 04:24

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Imam Khomeini recommended believers to  amend his ways

Imam Khomeini recommended believers to amend his ways

Imam Khomeini recommended believers and faithful people to correct and amend their ways in accordance with the teachings of the holy scripture of Quran by acting upon divine commands.

Wednesday, July 07, 2021 12:47

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The Islamic Center of England to organize a ceremony on the birthday anniversary of Imam Rida (AS)

The Islamic Center of England to organize a ceremony on the birthday anniversary of Imam Rida (AS)

The Islamic Center of England will organize a ceremony in three languages on the birthday anniversary of Imam Reza (AS), the 8th Shia Imam.

Saturday, June 19, 2021 12:00

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Imam Khomeini exegesis translated and published in more languages

Imam Khomeini exegesis translated and published in more languages

A series of volumes containing Imam Khomeini's Quranic ideals have been translated from Persian to Turkish language. This will attract help Imam's devotees to comprehend Quranic concepts with more depths and great insightfulness.

Wednesday, June 09, 2021 10:58

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Imam Khomeini was a person who advocated and brought about transformation

Imam Khomeini was a person who advocated and brought about transformation

The leader of Islamic Revolution Imam Ayatollah Seyyed Ali once said Khamenei [Khomeini] was a person who advocated and brought about transformation. As for bringing about transformation, his role was not confined to being a mere teacher and instructor, rather he played the role of a commander active on the field and leading in the true sense of the word.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021 02:56

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Leader lauds and glorifies Imam Khomeini on International Quds Day

Leader lauds and glorifies Imam Khomeini on International Quds Day

This is the same truth that guided the enlightened heart of the great Imam Khomeini (may God bestow mercy upon him) towards the announcement of International Quds Day on the last Friday of Ramadan.

Friday, May 07, 2021 02:00

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