President Rouhani says fate awaiting Trump no better than Saddam`s

President Rouhani says fate awaiting Trump no better than Saddam's

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has drawn a parallel between the hostile policies of outgoing US President Donald Trump and Iraq's Saddam Hussein for waging wars on the Islamic Republic, saying the American leader will eventually not fare much better than the former Iraqi dictator.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020 01:13

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US offering billions to coerce Indonesia into normalization with Israel

US offering billions to coerce Indonesia into normalization with Israel

The outgoing administration of US President Donald Trump is trying in its final days to pressure more countries into normalizing ties with Israel, this time by resorting to financial investment to coerce Indonesia to establish relations with the occupying regime despite Jakarta’s reluctance.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020 07:28

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Members of the executive council and the board of directors of the Nursing Organization pledge allegiance with the ideals of Imam Khomeini

Members of the executive council and the board of directors of the Nursing Organization pledge ...

On the eve of the auspicious birthday of Hadrat Zainab (PBUH) and national Nurses’ Day

Wednesday, December 16, 2020 12:00

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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani tells regional countries not to forge ties with Israel in false hope of ensured security

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani tells regional countries not to forge ties with Israel in false ...

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has expressed regret over the move by certain regional countries to forge ties with Israel in hope of guaranteeing their security, saying the "criminal" Tel Aviv regime is the source of insecurity and instability in the Middle East.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 07:39

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Iran`s president Rouhani says new US administration will need to strive to right Trump’s wrongs

Iran's president Rouhani says new US administration will need to strive to right Trump’s wrongs

Speaking at a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday, President Hassan Rouhani said the Iranian nation has throughout its history recorded two sacred defenses; one against the 1980s Iraq-imposed war, and the other against the economic war during the era of Trumpism, and it has emerged victorious in both cases.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 12:03

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FM Zarif advises US president-elect to abandon Trump’s `disastrous lawless bullying`

FM Zarif advises US president-elect to abandon Trump’s 'disastrous lawless bullying'

ran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has reacted to the result of the latest presidential vote in the United States and the election of Joe Biden as the 46th US president, advising the new administration to give up its predecessor’s “disastrous lawless bullying.”

Sunday, November 08, 2020 04:04

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