Religious Democracy in Iran: Discursive Analysis of Imam Khomeini’s Political Thought

Religious Democracy in Iran: Discursive Analysis of Imam Khomeini’s Political Thought

In the present article, the discourse formation of religious democracy is presented with a brief look at its concept. In accordance with the author, religious democracy is a conception of democracy that recognizes the collective power and people’s participation as the essence of democracy, and also justifies, analyzes, and explains that referring to religion and its principles.

Friday, September 02, 2022 10:54

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 Imam Khomeini`s divine leadership revived Ashura uprising and Hosseini`s school of thought

Imam Khomeini's divine leadership revived Ashura uprising and Hosseini's school of thought

Imam Khomeini from the onset of the Islamic movement stressed the need of holding spiritual and mourning gatherings in remembrance of Imam Hossein (‘a) especially in months of Muharram and Safar as a mean for the growth and expansion of the Islamic revolution.

Saturday, August 06, 2022 12:46

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Imam Khomeini left very deep and insightful works in several fields

Imam Khomeini left very deep and insightful works in several fields

The dynamic thought of the great Imam Khomeini will continue to inspire revolutions and guide the generations to come in various parts of the world.

Monday, July 25, 2022 10:47

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A Comparative Study of the Concept of "Global Justice" in Imam Khomeini`s Political Thought and Neo-Gramscianism

A Comparative Study of the Concept of "Global Justice" in Imam Khomeini's Political Thought and ...

The concept of quot global justice quot is a core concept in imam khomeini's thought which substantially contributes to a profound understanding of his ideas . However, understanding other thinkers' points of view in this regard, besides Imam Khomeini, may result in a more comprehensive understanding of this concept. The present study, considering the importance of addressing this challenge, aimed to review the approximation of Imam Khomeini's political thought and that of Neo Gramscian theoreticians about the concept of global justice.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 07:38

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Leader in a message to 2022 Hajj calls for Muslim unity in face of enemies

Leader in a message to 2022 Hajj calls for Muslim unity in face of enemies

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has sent a message to the 2022 Hajj pilgrimage, inviting Muslims around the world to turn away from what leads to “disunity and division” while also talking about Islamic awakening and resistance.

Friday, July 08, 2022 08:34

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Religious democracy from the viewpoint of Shia jurists

Religious democracy from the viewpoint of Shia jurists

A comparative study between Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Mohammad Mehdi Shams Uddin thoughts Author: Mohsen Yazdani University: Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Law and Political Science Year: 2010

Thursday, July 07, 2022 05:39

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Islamic management and governance from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini and its differences with other schools of thought

Islamic management and governance from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini and its differences with other ...

Author: Seyedeh Robabeh Sepah Angiz University: Payame Noor University Year of presentation: 2003

Sunday, May 29, 2022 02:33

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