Meeting to review the legal aspects of the Chastity and Hijab bill

Meeting to review the legal aspects of the Chastity and Hijab bill

Place: Hafez Hall of Humanities Thinkers House Date & Time: August. 2023 Participants: Mohammad Darvishzadeh, Maryam Ghanizadeh Bafghi and Firoz Mahmoudi Janaki

Wednesday, August 09, 2023 12:35

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How Islamic Revolution empowered and uplifted women in Iran

How Islamic Revolution empowered and uplifted women in Iran

Contrary to reality, the women of Iran are shown as controlled and oppressed. Did the Islamic Revolution really push them back or lift them up to dignified positions and honor? Are they living in a repressive society or one that liberates and empowers them, especially women, in a progressive way?

Tuesday, February 07, 2023 11:25

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Leader slams West’s fake support for women’s rights as ‘absolute brazenness’

Leader slams West’s fake support for women’s rights as ‘absolute brazenness’

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has dismissed the West's bogus advocacy of women’s rights, stressing that fake gestures come despite the fact that women there are subjected to different forms of abuse.

Wednesday, January 04, 2023 11:18

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The position of women from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini

The position of women from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini

The famous work's text comprehensively outlines the position of women from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini .

Thursday, November 17, 2022 07:19

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Cultural Problems of the Muslim World and Their Solutions According to Imam Khomeini.

Cultural Problems of the Muslim World and Their Solutions According to Imam Khomeini.

According to Imam Khomeini, the results indicated that the cultural problems of the Muslim world are rooted in spiritual dependence and self destruction against the West. The characteristics of an ideal society from Imam Khomeini are cultural independence, divine law authority, the transforming community to a divine human being, freedom of thought, and pondering Islamic awareness and awakening. To achieve such a society, he seeks a solution to the unity of the Muslim world and the severance of cultural ties with the West.

Monday, November 14, 2022 10:50

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Millions stage rallies across Iran to condemn violent foreign-backed riots

Millions stage rallies across Iran to condemn violent foreign-backed riots

Millions of Iranians have taken to the streets across the vast country to condemn desecration of Islamic sanctities and acts of vandalism by rioters in the past few days.

Friday, September 23, 2022 09:50

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Leader says Iran debunked Western fallacy that religion and progress are incompatible

Leader says Iran debunked Western fallacy that religion and progress are incompatible

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran has successfully debunked the Western fallacy that religion and state are not compatible, attributing the country's progress to adherence to religious values.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 06:29

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