The bad deeds of unbelievers, hypocrites, polytheists, atheists, villains, sinners, and transgressors occasionally reach such a point when they become proud of their evil deeds and think highly of themselves.
Sunday, August 08, 2021 12:47
Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) turned his back on all pleasures of this worldly life and preferred the obedience of Allah to everything else.
Monday, July 26, 2021 12:32
According to Imam Khomeini, absolute purification from the impurity of polytheism and obtaining perfect authenticity (ikhlas) of devotion is essentially a primary
Saturday, July 24, 2021 09:09
Imam Khomeini advised believers to behave well with people, and in company, and be compassionate and kind.
Wednesday, July 21, 2021 03:18
According to Imam Khomeini through his theological works reminded faithful people to remember God and remember all His favors and graces, and stop disobeying Him.
Friday, July 16, 2021 04:20
On the sixth signing anniversary of the landmark Iran nuclear deal, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif highlights the failure of the United States' so-called 'maximum pressure campaign' and sanctions, citing Tehran’s progress, including in the nuclear field, despite the bans.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 03:48
Imam Khomeini through his theological works warned believers and faithful people of of taking care for the day of judgement and performing deeds for divine sake.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 12:53
The Islamic Center of England will organize a ceremony in three languages on the birthday anniversary of Imam Reza (AS), the 8th Shia Imam.
Saturday, June 19, 2021 12:00