Nowruz marks beginning of spring, renewal of nature

Nowruz marks beginning of spring, renewal of nature

On our most special day of the year, let us pray for peace. We think of peace, but for there is none. We wish for, and we admire, it, for we have called, for so many times, but nature’s only answer has been silence.

Saturday, March 20, 2021 01:27

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Great prophets were sent to with light of Divine Laws, Imam Khomeini elucidated

Great prophets were sent to with light of Divine Laws, Imam Khomeini elucidated

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that God revealed to them heavenly books, so that they may prevent people from indulging into extravagances and immoderations, and bring the human self under the control of reason and the law of Shari’ah.

Saturday, March 13, 2021 10:03

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Imam Khomeini encyclopedia unveiled at Hosseiniah Jamaran

Imam Khomeini encyclopedia unveiled at Hosseiniah Jamaran

Imam Khomeini Encyclopedia, which has been an outcome of years of scholarly efforts, recently unveiled at Hosseiniah Jamaran, where Imam used to deliver his historic speeches for public masses and foreign guests.

Saturday, March 13, 2021 02:48

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 Imam Khomeini restored spirit of rule of law to society

Imam Khomeini restored spirit of rule of law to society

The grandson of the late founder of the Islamic Republic says that Imam restored the spirit of rule of law to the society and bring about great changes in contemporary era.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 08:04

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The holy Quran and the Islamic Revolution with emphasis on the political ideals of Imam Khomeini and Shahid Motahari

The holy Quran and the Islamic Revolution with emphasis on the political ideals of Imam Khomeini ...

By examining the views of Imam Khomeini and Martyr Motahari, we conclude that the Quranic teachings dissatisfactified the existing space and inspired the formation of the perception of the desired space.

Sunday, March 07, 2021 08:41

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Imam Khomeini suggested remedies and cures for the human soul

Imam Khomeini suggested remedies and cures for the human soul

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that the spiritual maladies and diseases are a thousand times more significant than the physical maladies.

Monday, February 22, 2021 12:01

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Imam Khomeini explained various applications and denotations of the word ‘heart’

Imam Khomeini explained various applications and denotations of the word ‘heart’

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic has explained various applications and denotations of the word ‘heart’.

Saturday, February 13, 2021 12:33

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