The newspapers do not belong to us

One day when I had gone to pay a visit to the Imam along with the Imam’s representative in the ‘Keyhan’ and ‘Etelaat’ newspapers, the Imam while expressing his appreciation for the job we were doing, remarked: “The newspapers should refrain from printing things related to me and desist from always printing my photo on the first page with large captions. He then continued: “the newspapers do not belong to us. They belong to the deprived people; they belong to the middle class.” He then went on to say: “If a farmer does a good job on his farm then print his photo on the first page instead of mine.”

Name of the narrator: Hujjat al-Islam wal Muslimeen Masih Mohajeri, Islamic Republic daily, special issue on the third death anniversary of Imam Khomeini

Title of the Book: Impressions and Memoirs about Imam Khomeini's Practical Behaviour, vol. 1, chapter two, page 119

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