An internationally-reputed Armenian intellectual says Imam Khomeini founded a modern Iran and set great patterns of independent policies in contemporary era.
He has been among foreign guests attending 27th passing away anniversary of Imam Khomeini in the Iranian capital, Tehran.
Our website has conducted an interview with the scholar to know his views on a range of issues.
What comes follwoing is a rough transcription of the interview with the intellectual.
1-Could you please introduce yourself?
My name is Roben Softrust. I am from Armenia. I am the director of institute of orient studies. I am professor and member of Armenian national academy.
Q: What made you to come here and take part in Imam’s death ceremony?
Roben Softrust: I consider Imam as a great leader. He did not only founded modern Iran but also established independent international policy of Iran, I considered this achievement as the most important from my point of view.
Q: Considering Imam’s thought and strategy, how do Islamic countries and nation get over the nowadays crisis?
Roben Softrust: I can say that this crisis is depend on globalization. First of all independent policy of Imam Khomeini has been very important. Imam Khomeini’s harmonious views helped promote very amicable ties between regional neighboring countries. The good existing relations between Iran and Armenia also presents a fine example of good ties between a Muslim and a Christian nation.
Q: What are the Imam Khomeini’s movement effect on the whole world?
Roben Softrust: As I said it is independency which makes different. I would say that we at our institute organize scientific conference each year which is devoted to highlighting concepts and perspectives of Imam Khomeini. we are underlining different aspect of Imam Khomeini’s personality such as Imam Khomeini as a political leader, as a revolution leader, as a creator of modern Iran, as a poet, as a philosopher and as a thinker and etc.
But we are underscoring the establishment of independent by Imam and his progressive policies. This all is also very important for Armenia.
Q: What are the roles of media to convey the Imam thought and believes in your country?
Roben Softrust: In Armenian media, Imam Khomeini is very very respected figure and we think that we are brothers and the brotherhood come from Iranian.
Q: How did Imam Khomeini’s character influence your people?
Roben Softrust: This respect comes from our common traditions and from the leadership character of Imam Khomeini and ordinary people consider him as a leader of Iran and from this concept we respect to him.
Q: As a final question how do you describe Imam just in few words?
Roben Softrust: First of all I consider him as a thinker but this is only first part as his character and second is he is a leader which created modern Iran.