Imam's response to Elize castle limitation for him

Imam's response to Elize castle limitation for him

They came from Elize castle and said that you do not have the right to do the smallest thing in here and…

When Imamarrived at France they came from Elize castle and asked for a time during which they could see him. Imam said: they can come. They came and told Imam that you do not have the right to do the smallest thing. Imam said: I thought that here is not like Iraq. Wherever I go I will say what I want to say. I travel from an airport to another one and from a city to another one so that I declare to the world that all of the oppressors of the latter have joined hands so that the people of the world will not hear the voice of us who are oppressed but I will carry the voice of the brave people of Iran to the world. I will tell the world what is happening in Iran.

A section of the book interpretations of the character sketch of Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him); volume 4, p.13; third edition (1388); publisher: Oruj printing and publishing; the memory is told by the deceased Hojatoleslam Seyed Ahmad Khomeini

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