Imam was exceptional figure of the history of human beings

Alhordee, Tofigh- the chief of the press committee of Lankaran region of Azerbaijan republic

He was one of the eminent and rare figures of the history of human beings

Before coming to Iran I thought that Imam Khomeini is a political and religious leader and the Muslims of Iran and the world obey him but only after I came to Iran I found out that he had a deep influence in the heart and the soul of the people and there was an emotional deep tie between Imam and the people.

 A political leader may have that kind of influence in a particular and limited time but regarding Imam Khomeini that subject is an exception to the time and the place and really a deep love between Imam Khomeini and his followers can be seen; that is a particular and unusual subject that has rarely been there during the history of human beings. There have been men who have had particular features and great particularities but Imam Khomeini undoubtedly has been one of the eminent and rare figures of humanity.


Alhordee, Tofigh- the chief of the press committee of Lankaran region of Azerbaijan republic

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