Imam Khomeini: Dear clerics and sons of Islam! In the same way that you should be striving to gain knowledge and work on self-restraint [taqwā] you should also strive to prepare yourselves for political and social involvement and for the elimination of the problems of the Muslim world as well as defending the Islamic country.

Imam Khomeini: Dear clerics and sons of Islam! In the same way that you should be striving to gain knowledge and work on self-restraint [taqwā] you should also strive to prepare yourselves for political and social involvement and for the elimination of the problems of the Muslim world as well as defending the Islamic country.

Imam Khomeini: Dear clerics and sons of Islam! In the same way that you should be striving to gain knowledge and work on self-restraint [taqwā] you should also strive to prepare yourselves for political and social involvement and for the elimination of the problems of the Muslim world as well as defending the Islamic country. 

Sahifeh-ye-Imam, Vol. 14, page 160

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