Imam Khomeini brought about positive changes in order to raise women status in current era: Dr. Khomsari

Imam Khomeini brought about positive changes in order to raise women status in current era: Dr. ...

The head of institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini says that the founder of the Islamic Revolution brought about very positive changes in order to raise the women status in contemporary history.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023 10:50

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Imam Khomeini believed that all human beings have dignity

Imam Khomeini believed that all human beings have dignity

The late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini (RA), believed that all human beings have dignity and their freedom should be respected.

Saturday, December 16, 2023 08:08

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Western, Israeli media empire and dominance has collapsed during Israeli aggression on Gaza

Western, Israeli media empire and dominance has collapsed during Israeli aggression on Gaza

A summit has been held to discuss the Palestinian cause in the light of theoretical and practical conduct and life of Imam Khomeini..

Monday, October 30, 2023 12:39

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Imam Khomeini highlighted significance of Ashura, `Arbaeen, Millions convene in Karbala on Arba’een Day

Imam Khomeini highlighted significance of Ashura, 'Arbaeen, Millions convene in Karbala on Arba’een ...

The late founder of the Islamic Republic frequently stressed that the Islamic Revolution had been inspired by the uprising of Imam Hossein ('a) and its spirit should be kept alive forever.

Tuesday, September 05, 2023 12:37

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Iranians, other Muslims attend mourning processions in millions to mark Tasu`a

Iranians, other Muslims attend mourning processions in millions to mark Tasu'a

Millions of Muslims across Iran and other countries are taking part in nationwide processions on Tasu'a, which marks the ninth day of the lunar calendar month of Muharram and precedes Ashura, the day when Imam Hussein, the third Shia imam, was martyred.

Thursday, July 27, 2023 04:24

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